A few weeks ago, I walked up our pantry hallway as I wrapped up a late night conversation with my mom. My stomach grumbled, begging me to find something to eat. I reached for the pantry doorknob, but out of the corner of my eye, I noticed something odd. The wooden picture frame for a butterfly art piece we have hanging in the hallway was warped.
“What in the world?” I said.
“What’s going on, Lauren?” My mother replied.
“A picture frame I have downstairs is warped, but I don’t know why. Something isn’t right …”
I took a step back to see a black dot starting to take over part of the picture. Nooooooooo, I thought to myself. I lifted the frame and gasped, completely shocked to see mold spreading over this entire section of the wall.
Suddenly, everything started to make sense. Our family had been sick constantly for four months and most of us were still struggling with respiratory issues. My husband was faring better than the rest of us, but he was in the house for a shorter amount of time than we were. On top of all of this, when I had been praying several months before this, asking the Lord for wisdom as to why we’d been getting sick so often, He had in fact whispered, “mold” to my spirit. But now that the truth had been exposed, I couldn’t believe it.
Time passed and we got our house tested and several remediation companies came out to give us quotes. We started to learn that just because you have insurance doesn’t mean they cover things, even when there is a legitimate reason for damage. Meanwhile, work escalated to higher-than-usual levels of stress. Throw in other random things like me breaking several glasses on accident somehow, my left arm swelling for no apparent reason, and our son deciding he was done with naps, even though he isn’t ready for that yet, and you have a recipe for CHAOS.
If you’re living and breathing, you know what it’s like to experience times of high stress and chaos. It’s part of the territory that comes with living here on earth. Thankfully God Himself is our peace (see Ephesians 2:14), and His Word is full of the truth our hearts need when the world around us is shaking. If you need peace today, here are 7 verses to pray when you desperately need it. Let me know which one blessed your heart the most in the comments!
Friend, before we get to the verses, I want to personally invite you to find peace, rest, joy and healing at the She Found Joy Retreat this year. Come encounter His love among a small group of soon-to-be friends in the mountains of Spruce Pine, North Carolina and apply today.
7 Verses to Pray When You Desperately Need Peace
Psalm 94:16-19
“Who will rise up for me against the evildoers?
Who will stand up for me against the workers of iniquity?
Unless the Lord had been my help,
My soul would soon have settled in silence.
If I say, “My foot slips,”
Your mercy, O Lord, will hold me up.
In the multitude of my anxieties within me,
Your comforts delight my soul.”
Pray the Word: Thank You, Lord, that You rise up for me against my enemies. Thank You that You are my help, and You keep me from stumbling. Thank You that Your mercy upholds me. Thank You that when anxiety is great within me, I can turn to You and be comforted and receive the peace I need.
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