I’ve been waiting for something for more than three years now. It’s something God has spoken over me countless times, through His Spirit and through people who don’t even know me. While I haven’t seen the fulfillment of everything yet, I know it’s coming and I’m learning more and more with each day how to wait and walk in a way that honors and brings glory to God.
About a month ago, I realized I hadn’t heard from God in awhile regarding this thing I’m waiting for. And so, with hands lifted during church one day, I asked Him: How long, Lord? How much longer do I have to wait for what I know is coming — what you’ve promised to me?
The words of His reply weren’t audible, but left a deep impression on my heart. Not yet, my daughter. But soon. Very soon, he said.
OK, Lord. OK. I’m going to stand in faith for soon. I don’t know what that looks like but I’m going to surrender, believe and wait with expectation. I replied.
Surrender, believe and wait with expectation. Of all of the things I’ve done while waiting on God the last several years, I think these three actions are the most essential — especially waiting with expectation. You see, this isn’t a passive kind of wait but a wait that stands in faith and worships and believes and calls things that are not as if they were. Because even when things look dark, we have a light shining on the inside that can expel darkness when we speak the truth in faith.
Beloved, we might not always know how God is working in our wait, but He is. And he hears every prayer and catches every tear.
“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you.” -Jeremiah 29:11
If you’re in need of a fresh word from the Lord in the middle of your wait today, here’s what I want you to do. Listen to She Found Joy’s latest podcast series, “Waiting on God.” Draw near to God. Don’t stop praying. Praise Him always. Don’t speak to God about your problem — tell your mountain to MOVE! Stand on His Word and keeping singing until all the walls fall down and the waters calm to a still. He will do it, for the Lord changes not and He is the ever faithful, ever true God.
Larry says
Although posts are geared toward women, I always receive a lift and blessing and have communicated this before.
Jenielle says
The Lord has used your words to bring me comfort tonight. I’ve been struggling with loneliness the last couple days. I’ve reached my 30s and desire to be married. The enemy has been working on my emotions, but our God is stronger. Tonight He knew that I needed your words of encouragement…..to surrender, to believe, and to wait in patient expectation. This is what He wants me to do. Thank you for doing the work God has called you to. You are making a difference!
The Real Person!
The Real Person!
Hi, Jenielle! I am sorry that you’ve been feeling lonely. That is one of the biggest lies from the enemy. You are truly never alone and He is with you always. Giving you a big hug through this comment today. God bless you!