To most people July 10 is just another ordinary summer day. But to me it’s a very special day, because July 10 also happens to be my birthday.
I don’t know how it works in your family, but birthdays are a big deal on my mom’s side of the family. Not only did your birthday mean you got to choose the meal for Sunday dinner at gramma’s — it also meant you got to choose your favorite kind of cake to eat. It meant that people would shower you with love and presents all day long; It meant almost 20 people singing “Happy Birthday” to you; It meant a day totally dedicated to you.
Since my birthday is in the summer, July 10 also meant boat rides around the lake my grandparents live on. These traditions made birthdays anything but ordinary, and I felt completely loved, cherished and cared for.
Then … I grew up. Mr. MLS and I moved away. The hoopla of the magical year 21 came and went. And somewhere along the way it began to feel like my birthday was just another day. Just when I think it couldn’t get any more lackluster, this year happened.
My sweet parents were kind enough to drive to Iowa to celebrate with me in person. We were having a great time together, until Sunday rolled around. Have you ever had a day where one thing after another goes wrong? And eventually, after awhile you just start laughing at how bad the day is? Yeah. That was my birthday this year. I don’t need to go into details but I will tell you this: I’m thankful I had a sucky birthday. Why?
Because it taught me that birthdays are not about receiving attention and having everything go your way.
Nowhere in the Bible does it say everything will be perfect on our birthday. Nowhere are we told that it will be a sunny day with rainbows and butterflies and a perfectly made cake. Nowhere are we told that we will get every present we hoped for. But you know what we are told and what we are given? We are told that because of our birth, we have been given not only the free gift of life here on Earth, but also — for those who believe — the free gift of eternal life in Jesus Christ our Lord {Romans 6:23}.
Now, this is something worth celebrating not just on our birthday, but every single day of the year … but on the other hand, I think birthdays have a way of making us think about this precious gift even more. It’s a time to reflect on where you’ve been and who you are becoming. And even if everything seems to go wrong on your special day, it’s a time to be grateful for the chance to live, learn and love another year.
My hope is if you ever find yourself having a birthday that’s less than spectacular, you’ll remember the lesson I learned this year. And even on the days when it’s not your birthday, thank God for the free gift of life that you have in Him. Thank God for imperfect days because they are still a blessing. And thank God for allowing us to enjoy delicious things, like this simple recipe for Cake Batter Overnight Oats. (You don’t have to be celebrating a birthday to enjoy this delicious and healthy breakfast!)
- 1 cup old-fashioned rolled oats (I use gluten-free)
- 1 3/4 cups unsweetened vanilla almond milk (or milk of choice)
- 1 teaspoon butter extract
- 1 teaspoon almond extract
- 1 teaspoon coconut sugar
- 1/2 teaspoon baking soda
- 1/4 cup [url href=”” target=”_blank”]Bob’s Red Mill[/url]vanilla protein powder (or additional oats)
- Whipped topping and sprinkles for garnish
- Combine ingredients in a jar and mix until combined. Cover and let sit overnight. Eat cool in the morning with fruit or nuts or heat up for about one minute to enjoy warm.
Birthdays never seem to be very good for me, haha but still, it’s a birthday and celebrating with sprinkles is a must!
xoxoxo Wishing you all the love in this new year of life!
I’m with you, sister! Sprinkles alll day, every day. 🙂
As you know, I’ve had 77 birthdays so far. Some were spectacular, some were pretty disappointing and many I can’t even remember. Somewhere along the years I decided that I had unreasonable expectations. You and I have talked about this. So I toned down my expectations and now just appreciate that I am actually having another birthday. 🙂 I’m glad you got to have your parents with you. I know the day you were born is very special to them. And thanks for writing about your experiences. I know some (and perhaps many) are encouraged and helped by your sharing. Keep the sprinkles handy!
Since having 5 kids, I happen to be of the opinion that the mom should be celebrated on birthdays, since she’s the one who did all the work! Haha. 😉
Anyway, I’m normally not one to celebrate birthdays, other than making a cake, but I’m trying to find ways to make my kiddos feel extra-special (since they all are), and these oats sound like a great way! My daughter is turning 4 tomorrow, and she actually asked for oatmeal for breakfast, so I think I’ll surprise her with your fun additions!
Awww, I would be honored if you made these for your precious daughter for her fourth birthday!! Let me know if you end up making it!! Have a joy-filled week, Raia!
Your post made me remember the year I celebrated a “big’ birthday and it fell flat big time. Your lesson is important for each of us. Celebrating life with sprinkles. That sounds like a plan!
Birthdays have always been a BIG deal in my family too (well for my mum at least.) My parents went all out and always made us the most amazing cakes and threw us great parties. It makes me miss being a kid and feeling so excited you couldn’t sleep the night before.
A beautiful perspective, Lauren! And, goodness, the Cake Batter Overnight Oats look delicious!
That’s so nice your parents drove to see you on your birthday. You have such a beautiful perspective on life Lauren. I am sorry to hear the following day was a bad one and I hope things are looking up again. This recipe looks delicious, thank you for sharing
Hi Donna!! What a delight to see your name come up in the comments section of my dashboard. How are you!? It’s been so long since I’ve connected with you (sorry for that). Thanks for stopping by the blog, and I’m so glad you like the recipe. Have a fabulous week! 🙂
Second…. these look delicious. I’ll take any excuse to eat cake for breakfast. I only wish that I would have made them for my birthday!
Lauren, growing up one of 4 kids birthdays were a huge deal. It was the only day, I got to have it my way 🙂 But my husband is not big into birthdays–so it has been an adjustment to say the least.
These oats look great.
What a fun twist on overnight oats! Perfect for one’s birthday! I’ll remember your great attitude next time I have a bad day 🙂
So beautiful! A perfect food for a perfect celebration!
Happy Birthday Month just like me and sprinkles make me smile, great recipe as I’m a huge fan of overnight oats xoxo
Happy belated birthday, lovely! Even though you have the best attitude EVER, I’m sorry your big day went south. But, I love the way you look at life! My birthday was a few days before yours, and there were no rainbows or unicorns for me either. You are right, birthdays are another year to live, learn and laugh. It’s another year we are blessed to be alive! I’m thinking every day should be birthday-esque with a few of these cake batter oats!! So amazingly delish! Now THIS is how I want to wake up! Cheers! Xoxo
oh my goodness!!! this looks so decadent and delicious.
Such a fun breakfast idea!
I’m a firm believer in celebrating birthdays! My “baby” turns 17 tomorrow… he has to work but we’ll make it a special one for him, for sure. Thanks for the reminder that EVERY day is a blessing… your neighbour at #CoffeeForYourHeart 🙂
Happy belated birthday Lauren!!! My birthday is coming up on the 29th of this month. I also have learned that expectations is not the way to go. Just enjoy the moment and thank God for what we do have……. ?
Happy (belated) birthday Lauren!! I love the idea of an overnight oats cake, of sorts. I just might have to steal that for my own summer b-day 🙂