It may be March, but it’s never too late to make a new resolution! How about resolving to read the entire Bible in a year? Here’s how.
I carefully lowered the steaming cup of chocolate chai from my mouth, not believing what my ears were hearing. I tried to swallow the sip of tea I’d just taken but nearly choked as I tried to process what my podcast guest had just said.
Lord, is she really talking about reading the Bible in a year?
I couldn’t believe it. Not because I thought it was impossible. Not because I thought it was something only old people did. But because this woman was the third person in a week who had brought it up and encouraged me to do the same.
As a writer, speaker and podcast host, I have the blessed privilege of getting to know a lot of amazing women who champion different causes for the kingdom. But what’s more wonderful than connecting with these sisters is the fact that God often speaks to me through the interactions we have.
So, when over the course of a week three of these sisters recently brought up reading the Bible in a year … let’s just say God had my attention. The first and second time someone brought it up, I thought nothing of it. I shrugged the idea off as something I didn’t have time for. But when the third woman started talking about it, I knew God was trying to tell me something.
After we finished recording the podcast that day, I immediately started praying about reading the Bible in a year. Is this something you really want me to do, Lord? How can I make time for this on top of all of the other commitments I already have?
Almost immediately, I could hear Him say: You can always make time for me.
The more I prayed, the more I felt God calling me to ask my husband to join me in reading the Bible the whole way through.
“What do you think, love,” I asked my husband that night at dinner.
He looked up from his plate with excitement in his eyes. “I actually think that’s a great idea. We just have to figure out a way to do it that works for us.”
I wish I could tell you that we began our Bible reading plan that night and have stuck to it every night since. I wish I could tell you we have this whole “how to read the bible in a year” thing figured out. We don’t. But we’re getting there, and we’re learning by trial and error how to do it well.
And so, today I want to encourage you with some tips I’ve learned from our first attempt to read the Bible the whole way through.
Please join me over at to read the rest of this post.
So I will admit, I thought the same thing, “Read the bible in a year?!” “That is impossible!!!” Well, I also thought, who has time for that? BUT, if you are putting it out there, I am assuming it is do-able! I love a good challenge, girlfriend! Off to check out your tips!! XOXO
I am loving reading through my chronological Bible in a year! Loved your tips and especially journaling our journey through the Bible. I want to add that into my day. Thanks for great tips!
So excited to read this post, Lauren! I’m excited for what God is going to do in and through you, and your husband! Loved reading the rest of your post on iBelieve as well! Blessings 🙂