I looked at the clock on my phone for what felt like the hundredth time since I’d walked into the restaurant.
12:44. The numbers stared back at me, taunting me with feelings of rejection and defeat. If clocks could talk, then this one was shouting: They’re not coming because you’re a nobody. Your book isn’t even published yet. Why should they give you the time of day?
My fingers traced the cover of the manuscript I’d brought to share with my no-show lunch date — the message God had put on my heart to share with women; the message I’d been waiting years to get out to a larger audience — and I sighed, placing it back in my purse.
Out of sight, out of mind, right? But that didn’t make the feelings go away.
“Will it just be you eating here, then?” the waitress appeared once again. “Or are you still waiting for someone?”
“It looks like I’ll be dining alone … But I guess that just means more food for me!” I said, trying to make light of the situation. “I’ll have the falafel wrap with a side of soup and hummus, please.”
“Wonderful. I know you’re probably tired of waiting, so I’ll be sure to get the food out to you right away,” he replied.
Waiting is hard. And whether you’re waiting in traffic, waiting for the seasons to change, waiting for your husband to get home from a work trip, or waiting for your dream to come true — waiting is never fun.
I mean, seriously, who likes to wait? Who wakes up and says, “I hope I have to wait for something today?” (If you’re reading this and that’s you, please email me so we can be friends and I can learn your secret!)
All joking aside, if the majority of the world could choose between waiting and not waiting, I think we’d choose the latter. Because chances are if we’re waiting for something, that means we want it pretty bad, but we don’t have it yet.
The Bible is full of people who had to wait ridiculous amounts of time for something they wanted.
Noah and his family waited 40 days and 40 nights for the flooding to end (Genesis 7:12). Abraham waited 100 years to have a son with his wife, Sarah (Genesis 21:5). The people of Israel waited 400 years to be delivered from Egyptian slavery (Acts 7:6) And mankind waited thousands of years for Jesus Christ to be born (Luke 2:7).
As I sat in the café waiting for my lunch date to show up, I thought about Noah, Sarah, Abraham and the Israelites. I thought about the prophecies of Jesus’ coming, and how many years had to pass before those prophecies came true.
Then I thought about my book manuscript. I’d only been waiting a few years for it to be published. Surely if God had placed the message on my heart and wanted it to be in market, I could wait a little bit longer. Better yet, I could trust Him to show up and make things happen even when people didn’t.
We can trust, wait and rest in God, because God always comes through on His promises.
2 Peter 1:4 tells us that “because of his glory and excellence, God has given us great and precious promises” — promises that redeem, restore and sustain us.
All throughout Scripture, God declares His love and devotion for us by fulfilling promise, after promise, after promise for His people.
Not once has God left a promise unfulfilled.
His Word proves that He is faithful to the end. Take a look at this passage from Lamentations 3:22-23:
“The faithful love of the Lord never ends! His mercies never cease. Great is his faithfulness; his mercies begin afresh each morning.”
Did you catch that? Great is His faithfulness. Not just good. Great, never-ending, never-failing.
Unlike my lunch date who disappointed me when they didn’t show up (turns out they had written the wrong date down in their planner), I can count on God to show up and do a work in and through me — even when the wait seems long.
There’s a difference between waiting on man and waiting on God, and the Advent season reminds us of this. When we wait on one another, there’s an element of uncertainty, distress and confusion. But when we wait upon the Lord, the Bible tells us we become renewed (Isaiah 40:31).
Comfort, joy and strength are given to those who wait upon the Lord.
And those who wait upon the Lord are not without hope, because Hope is the very one they are waiting on. God is love (1 John 4:8). God is life. God is truth (John 14:6) God is hope (Romans 15:13).
Please join me at iBelieve.com to read the rest of this post.
This is beautiful! I am in a season of waiting myself and this is just what I needed to hear today. We have to keep moving forward in trust and wait expectantly on God while truly believing He will provide and fulfill what He has promised! Love this, Lauren!
I am so glad this post could speak to you, dear Nicole! Have an amazing weekend!
This is so well written, Lauren. It will touch the hearts of those who are in the season of waiting. His timing and plan are always so much better than ours.Thank you so much for sharing this.
Thanks, dear Michelle. I am in a season of waiting, so I’m reading this post a couple times a week right now!
Sometimes God just knows exactly what we need to hear and today…this is it for me.
I’m waiting in this season of singleness. Waiting and trusting God. And in this void of time alone I am learning to hear God and know him like the back of my hand.
Amen! Trusting and believing that God has great things in store for you, sweet friend. Love you!
Amen, Lauren!
He is the God of time and of timing! And, He has amazing plans ahead for you. This is only a detour, a fork in your road.
I believe He will get that book published exactly when it needs to be published!
Thanks so much for your support, dear Melanie. When the day comes for the book to be published, I will fall at the Lord’s feet with nothing but praise and thanks!! In the meantime, I praise and thank Him just for the opportunity to write for HIM!
I have been in SO many waiting periods LOL your attitude is exactly right! I watched a movie recently called, “Angel in the House” and there was a really good message in it about waiting:
“For what it’s worth, here’s what I know. We, and by we I mean humans, for some reason we find it hard to let go of the past. I’m not saying there’s no place for memories. What I’m saying is you can’t live today in the past because then your future will look just the same as it did yesterday. You can’t live in the future either because then today will pass you by. The only way to be truly happy is to connect with the present, connect with the moment.”
It’s obviously about grief but this is the way God designed us. We can’t live in connection with Him in past events or by worrying about the future, our relationship is built in the waiting, in the present. Enjoy the moments of quiet waiting, it’s God calling you to draw near to Him 🙂
Coming to you from the RaRa Linkup, also CONGRATS on your book! Your writing is stellar, I’m sure it’ll be GREAT!
I have been irritated by circumstances and frustrated with myself, worried that I have gone on too long without taking action on certain things. Now, reading this, I realize it may well be just a “season of waiting.” I can be patient and LET things happen, LET God make them happen, instead of trying, striving to make them happen my own little self.
I know exactly how you feel! I think it’s a balance of taking the next best step we can take but also laying everything in God’s hand. I will be praying for you!
I really needed to hear this today Lauren, thank you so much. In comparison to the saints of the Bible, my waiting seems a lot smaller but praise God that He fulfils our every promise!! I know our waiting will end someday soon!
I am so glad this post could speak to you, Sam! Praying for you as you walk through this season of waiting! Stay strong and keep believing. <3
I was looking for a fresh read during my morning devotional and this was perfect! Waiting isn’t usually warranted but it is necessary.
God bless you,
Hi Teia! Starting the day with a devotional is my favorite way to start the day. I’m glad God could used this to refresh you! Have a lovely week and a very Merry Christmas!
Bless you for these encouraging words and giving me insight to waiting for a living and true God.
Hi, Corrine! Thanks for reading. I am so glad you could be encouraged here.
Thanks! Needed it very much to read this.
The waiting season keeps getting longer and longer.
Thanks for opening my eyes Lauren!
I’m so glad this post could speak to you, Aline! I’ll be praying for you as you wait upon the Lord.
Very helpful post! Interesting how sometimes what we perceive as rejection by others or even God may just be a simple misunderstanding like your lunch date. Has your book been published since you wrote this? If not I hope it is soon! I would read it! But even if not, hope you know that this post has made a difference to other women!
Hi Megan! You are so right about that. My book has been published. You can get it via Amazon at https://www.amazon.com/Into-Deep-Diving-Courageous-Faith/dp/1501869744. I pray it blesses you!